1. The only shoes I would wear were Converse All Stars
2. I had never clipped coupons before
3. My best friend had red hair

5. I wanted to go to Franciscan University and become a theologian
6. My idea of a fun weekend was the Diocesan youth gatherings or conferences
7. I drove a messy, Plymouth Acclaim, named Mildred
8. Sonic Youth, Smashing Pumpkins, and Helium often blared from my stereo
9. Yes, I would drive through awful rush hour traffic to be the first in line to see a show
10. I would pick all of the onions out of my food
Here are 10 things about me that were not true 10 years ago, but describe me now:
1. I have an strong disliking of trousers on women
2. I bake bread almost every week
3. I homeschool my children
4. I think my parents are cool
5. The Latin Mass and the whole Catholic Faith
6. I can change a diaper blindfolded
7. I would rather spend time at home than go out
8. I listen to Classical music and like it
9. I really like tomatoes
10. I figured out that becoming a little more like my mom wasn't so bad
In the next ten years I hope to:
1. Finally buy Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day
2. Visit my best friend and her family in Wisconsin

3. Convince my best friend and her husband to move closer to us ;)
4. Buy a house
5. Have at least 4 more children
6. Have a better prayer life
7. Live near a CMRI chapel with mass every Sunday and holy day
8. Have more family living nearby
9. Learn to either knit, sew clothing, or some other skill
10. Take a really fun vacation, either to the Western US or Europe (not likely)
i like this. i want to do a post like for sure - it's so interesting to look at life in time spans like that, and how much we change without knowing it. (ps - i use to pick all the onions out of my food too).